Pushing Past Fear with Meg Josephson

Pushing Past Fear with Meg Josephson

I’m excited to share with you a new series for the blog, where I will be interviewing other bloggers, health professionals, entrepreneurs, activists, and other cool people making an impact in the health community! My intention with these interviews is not only to inspire you, but also to bring a community of like-minded people together and educate you (and me!) on different topics and ideas related to health and wellness!

5 Tips to Reducing Waste

5 Tips to Reducing Waste

Let me start out by saying that I am in no way a perfect example of someone who always refuses single use plastic, that recycles consistently, that never uses straws, or that always brings my own bag to the grocery store. But what I can say, and want to share with you all, is that I believe we all do so much better in our day to day lives to reduce our own individual consumption of plastic and single use items.

Acorn Squash and Kale Pesto Pasta

Acorn Squash and Kale Pesto Pasta

When I go to the grocery store each week, I try to pick up at least one different vegetable than what’s in my normal rotation. This week, i saw acorn squash on sale and brought it home with no idea how I was going to use it! Don’t be afraid to experiment with a new vegetable, and just bring something home and get creative! At home, I had my favorite brand of pesto from my local market and was wanting to make a quick meal without too much prep, clean up, and cook time. I decided to do a little experiment and see how the squash would taste with pasta, kale, and pesto! Even though squash can be a little hard to cut, after you cut it open and put it in the oven, you don’t have to stand around and check on it or stay by the stove, so it’s a great option for an easy veggie that takes minimal prep time.

10 Steps to Better Health

10 Steps to Better Health

Health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing; not just the absence of disease.” I like half of this definition… the “not just the absence of disease” part, because it acknowledges that there’s so much more to being “healthy” than just not being sick or having disease. But the other half, about achieving COMPLETE or perfect states of physical, mental, and social wellbeing, just isn’t possible. We can continue to strive to live and feel like the best versions of what health means to us, but unfortunately we are never going to be perfect. Being healthy is not a fixed outcome, or a destination. It is a JOURNEY, a way of being and of living.